In this updated traditional French dish, a confit of salmon poached in lemon-infused olive oil and garnished with salmon roe and osetra caviar is served...
Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit not only your complexion but also your heart. A slightly sweet, ginger-spiked sauce...
While the salmon slow-roasts in the oven for 20 minutes, you'll slice the beets super-thin on a mandolin and stir-fry them with scallions until they turn...
For a flavorful new way to prepare salmon, try this science-inspired technique of vacuum-sealing food in a bag, then cooking it in a water bath, from chef...
This delicious salmon recipe is courtesy of Margot Olshan. At her Connecticut cafe, Margot finishes this salmon dish in the oven. But for a home cook,...
Lime-drizzled broiled salmon gets a sweet-spicy Asian twist from hoisin, a sauce common in Chinese cuisine. Swapping in couscous instead of rice saves...
A simple sheet pan dinner with salmon fillets, crunchy croutons, garlicky broccolini, and quartered oranges is livened up with sumac, a spice popular in...
Salmon is full of protein, vitamin A, and omega fatty acids, which are essential to the proper functioning of the heart and brain. This recipe for Mediterranean...
For a fresh and nutritious fall or winter meal, take seasonal collard greens for a spin in this hearty weeknight meal. Here, the dark leafy greens are...
For a modern take on the classic Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage, South Gate chef Kerry Heffernan substitutes fresh wild salmon cured with coriander,...
Crispy honey Orange Glazed Salmon is an easy and flavorful salmon recipe. Salmon fillets are pan seared and coated in the most amazing honey orange garlic...
In this healthy, one-pot dinner of Wild Salmon with Edamame-Cauliflower Rice, the oven does all the work. After 15 minutes of prep, the salmon roasts on...
Made entirely in one-dish, this nutritious skillet supper layers almond-studded basmati rice, tender florets of romanesco (a relative of both broccoli...
When you roast a piece of salmon properly, the result is so tender it verges on buttery. Succulent spring onions, cooked with the fish until they're caramelized,...
The perfect dish for hot days--fresh blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries tossed with green leaf lettuce, salmon, and a drizzle of honey mustard...
A last-minute get-together requires a main dish that doesn't need to be marinated. Serve this impressive salmon, glazed with a Cuban-inspired green sauce...
If you've got leftovers from last night's salmon dinner, use them for today's lunch. Serve with whole-grain crackers and your favorite on-the-go vegetables,...